Top Ten Moving Hacks

Follow These Ten Hacks To Make Moving Simple & Easy!
1. Ask Local businesses for their used boxes. Grocery and liquor stores usually have extra boxes to give away for people who are moving.
2. Place your clothes in a garbage bag while they are still hanging in the closet. This makes moving them faster and easier.

3. Label boxes on the top and sides. That way you can read the label while they are stacked up.
4. Take a picture of electronics before you disconnect them to be able to easily reconnect after moving.
5. Always stack plates on their side when packing. This will prevent them from breaking while on the truck.
6. Wrap silverware in saran wrap while it is still in the organizer.

7. Have a yard sale before you start packing. This will give you less to pack and make moving faster.
8. Use White soap or toothpaste to fill nail holes in the walls before you ask for your deposit back.
9. Wrap toiletry bottles with Saran Wrap to prevent leakage while moving. Make sure caps are on liquids are very tightly closed.
10. Be sure to put all your valuables in one box and make sure it is locked away in a safe place so no one can access it except you!
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