Moving Soon? You'll Want To Read This.

Avoid Moving Day Disasters With These 5 Easy Tips
Moving can be one of the most stressful events in a persons life behind the death of a family member and divorce. The entire event of relocating yourself and your family is stressful, and moving day itself is often the peak of the stress of moving. As a professional mover we see the difference on a daily basis of how smooth things can go when prepared versus how terribly stressful things can be when unprepared. These are my top tips for making moving day go as smooth as possible.
1. Plan Ahead
This is by far the most important thing that can be done to avoid major stress during moving. Often times lack of planning and ultra rigid time frames can cause a lot of undue stress. We often see people who try to cram the entire moving process into one short day. Try to move out a few days before your lease is up so you're not rushing to get out. If you can, try to take a few days off of work to handle your move. If you're moving to a storage make sure to get it before move day. Try to foresee delays and hangups and leave yourself extra time to compensate.
2. Start Packing Early
Packing can be the most monotonous and time consuming aspect of moving. It's always a good idea to hire professionals to do the packing if your budget allows for it. If not, be sure to start packing as soon as you know you're moving. Make sure your label your boxes so everything goes to the right room when unloading.
3. Get Rid of Stuff You Don't Need
Its a good idea when moving to take measurements of your new place and make sure everything you're moving will fit. It's very common for our customers to request last minute storage due to not having space in their new home. If it won't fit or if you no longer have use for something get rid of it. Often times Salvation Army can pick up unwanted furniture items in good condition.
4. Hire Reputable Movers
Shady movers can ruin your moving day no matter how much planning and preparation you put in first. Do you research before hiring a company and go with someone you feel comfortable with. Be sure to check reviews from multiple websites. If you hire movers and they arrive on moving day and you don't feel comfortable or confident in them, don't be afraid to call someone else!
5. Put It ALL in a box
I know we talked about packing earlier but this really can't be stressed enough. Moving day goes 1000% smoother when everything is packed and ready to go. If its small enough to fit in a box it should always be in a box. The time you spend packing more than pays for itself when hiring movers. Properly packed (not overloaded, Firm top that won't collapse) households move for hundreds of dollars cheaper than similarly sized unprepared households. If you don't get around to finishing your packing that's okay! Just let us know and we'll bring boxes and help you finish on moving day. Click here for more helpful packing tips!
The Movers Moving & Storage has been helping families move in Tampa and St. Petersburg for nearly forty years. Give us a call at 813-254-0129 or get a free quote online.